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Best Foods for Denture Wearers

Most of the denture wearers face problems when it comes to selecting the best foods to eat. Dentures always leave tiny spaces which is where minute food particles tend to settle down. Moreover, trying to bite into any hard foodstuff can dislodge your denture and cause you embarrassment.

No one can stop you from choosing a diet you please, just make sure it is pleasing to your palate and kind to your new dentures. You have to take care and prevent damage to the tissue in your gums and also prevent the new dentures from loosening.

What to Eat After You Get Dentures

Getting fitted out with new dentures can cause a bit of discomfort in the beginning. You need to check the best and worst foods to eat after getting your new dentures. Getting false teeth has become very common today and if you can choose your food carefully you should do just fine.

Remember that your gums would not have healed completely and with the soreness persisting after the recent dental work care needs to be exercised. Give some time for your gums and dentures to get adjusted to each other so that chewing and biting are no longer ordeals. You need to select soft foods soon after getting dentures.

Here’s a list of foods that are best suited after getting dentures:

  • Soaked Cereals

  • Applesauce

  • Lukewarm soup, porridge or broth

  • Soft pudding

  • Mashed boiled vegetables

  • Fresh fruit juices

  • Yogurt

It is better to avoid hot beverages as well as cold drinks as they can increase the sensitivity and discomfort.

5 Foods to Be Avoided by Denture Wearers

The worst foods you can eat after getting false teeth set are:

  • Hot Beverages

  • Cold Drinks

  • Sticky foods

  • Hard foods

  • Meat

  • Chips, Fries, popcorn, nuts and seeds

Hot beverages and cold drinks tend to increase the sensitivity and can harm the raw gums you’ll be left with after extraction.

Sticky foods need to be avoided as they tend to dislodge your dentures, and food particles can get lodged in the tiny gaps created in between the dentures and your gums.

Hard foods can cause damage to the tissue and gums. Moreover, biting into hard foods will dislodge the dentures and loosen them. New denture wearers need to wait until the dentures get set on their gums.

Getting Back to Solid Foods Again

After a couple of weeks after getting your false teeth set you will find that the dentures are fixed comfortably on your gums. This is when you can go back to eating solid foods. Even now, it is better to avoid very hard foods, which may cause damage to the gums. However, you can start enjoying commonly eaten foods like:

  • Rice (pressure cooked)

  • Well-cooked pasta

  • Bread (without the crust)

  • Soups and broth

  • Fish

  • Baked/mashed potatoes

  • Green and beans (cooked)

More Helpful Food Tips for Denture Wearers

Well-cooked meats – The longer you cook meats, the softer they become. Denture wearers should switch to slow-cooked meats, which are soft and easy to bite and chew.

Minced/ground meats –  Mincing or grinding meat before cooking it makes it a lot softer and easily palatable. You are saved the task of grinding the meat in your mouth. Try some ground beef or meat pie soon after you get your new dentures.

Chocolate – Soft chocolate without nuts, raisins or toffees should be easy to chew and eat. Homemade chocolates are best when you are wearing a new set of false teeth.

Mashed Vegetables – Mashed vegetables are soft and easy to chew and eat. You can either steam-cook the vegetables or microwave them to make them soft and easily edible.

As it is obvious dentures don’t mean that you need to stick to a liquid diet. You can still enjoy your food if you are careful enough to select a proper diet to match your needs when you start wearing dentures.

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