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How to Select the Best Denture Adhesive

How To Select The Best Denture Adhesive

Dentures can last quite long enough, provided the underlying bone is strong enough to support the dentures and keep them stable. The traditional clip-on dentures are good though they tend to become loose and need to be readjusted ever so often. Moreover, they tend to be an additional strain on the bone. Today, close to…

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What Is Denture Adhesive And The Need For It

What Is Denture Adhesive And The Need For It

Dentures are a form of cosmetic dentistry done to replace number of missing tooth due to old age or an accident. They are removed every night before going to bed. Over time, they may become loose with changes in gum tissue after the removal of natural tooth. If the denture set is fixed after surgery,…

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5 Tips to Get Used to Your New Dentures

5 Tips To Get Used To Your New Dentures

Losing your real teeth and getting a false set isn’t a pleasant thought. However, under such circumstances, a pair of new dentures is the only alternative. You’ll need to be fitted with partial dentures or full dentures based on your dentist’s evaluation. There are permanent, and natural-looking dentures available in the market that can put…

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7 Things You Should Know About Denture Care

7 Things You Should Know About Denture Care

Dentures are the ideal solution to make up for the loss of real teeth. A new set of dentures can help you regain your self-confidence and your attractive smile. However, your false teeth too require care to avoid damage to them. Read on to discover seven important facts that will help you keep your dentures…

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Dealing with Denture Discomfort

Dealing With Denture Discomfort

The next best alternative to real teeth is a pair of permanent dentures. These days you have denture adhesives to keep your dentures safely in place. However, dentures can cause some discomfort. The good news is you can deal with this discomfort and still feel like you have real teeth whenever you smile or eat.…

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How to Take Good Care of Your Dentures While Traveling

Denture Care While Travelling

We all love traveling, but staying away from home for a long time also means taking good care of our health. Oral health and hygiene is one of the most important parts of it, especially for those with dentures. While most people follow their denture routine while traveling. However, a few days away from home…

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