We might not realize it, but our teeth are quite delicate. Oral health is important. Good oral health means you are able to eat and drink properly, which helps you stay healthy since you get the necessary nutrients. When your diet or some other reason causes tooth loss, it might be time to examine your food choices and reexamine your lifestyle and habits. Tooth loss is more common than you think, so let us examine the causes and consequences of tooth loss. We will also be discussing the various replacement options after tooth loss.
Causes of tooth loss
Tooth loss is caused due to a variety of reasons. Poor oral hygiene is the number one reason for tooth loss. Brushing twice a day, using mouthwash and flossing are all important activities that can help you maintain good oral hygiene. Poor eating habits, and especially eating food that is very acidic, causes teeth to fall. High levels of acid in the mouth, and eating sugary foods too often leave your teeth susceptible to decay, which causes tooth loss. If you have the habit of grinding your teeth too hard, you might be adversely affecting your teeth.
Lastly, those who play sports should use mouthguards that protect teeth. An injury to the mouth can leave you without teeth. The first teeth to usually fall off are the back teeth, according to research studies. It is vital to know the symptoms that lead to tooth loss. You might have tooth loss dreams, but these habits lead to actual tooth loss.
Consequences of tooth loss
When you experience tooth loss, for whatever reason, it is important to act immediately. Go to your dentist as soon as possible to discuss the teeth replacement options available to you. The teeth on either side of the gap might start to close the gap, leaving you with crooked teeth. The tooth opposite the empty space in the other jaw will be under strain, causing the gums around it to recede, causing further tooth loss.
Chewing with fewer teeth in your jaw also leaves you susceptible to further tooth loss since this activity puts a huge strain on the remaining teeth. In the long term, loss of teeth affects the bone structure of your jaw. A loss of proper structure of the jaw can eventually lead to a change in the structure of your entire face. However, most people are unaware of the hidden effects of tooth loss. As your face structure changes, it is bound to affect your confidence. The gaps in your teeth might also leave you feeling self-conscious when you eat or talk in public.
Therefore, it is of paramount importance to get treatment as soon as possible.
Tooth loss isn’t permanent. There are many different remedies to this problem. Your dentist can advise you and help you pick the right option for replacing teeth. Ask your dentist to show you the tooth loss chart to understand which part of your jaw has been affected. Depending on your oral health, your dentist might recommend dentures as a tooth replacement option. Denture adhesive is commonly used for this purpose. You can also consider getting dental implants and dental bridges to remedy the loss of one tooth or multiple teeth.
Tooth loss might seem like a small problem, but if left untreated, it can lead to major problems in the future. From your facial structure to your self-confidence, losing teeth can affect a large number of things. Contact your dentist immediately when you lose a tooth.
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