The number of denture wearers is increasing because the quality of dentures available today is very good. While traditional clip-on dentures are still very popular, the usage of denture adhesive is increasing because of its convenience. More and more dentists are prescribing denture fixative creams as they provide better support and comfort.
Denture adhesives are known to provide better retention and empower the wearers’ chewing ability, greatly reducing instability during the process. The best benefit of using denture adhesive is that it eliminates the chances for food particles getting stuck as there is absolutely no gap between the gum tissue and the dentures. The wearer also gets a sense of security and the confidence levels increase, enabling them to eat in public places without feeling self-conscious.
Popular denture adhesives like Olivafix Gold are specially formulated, keeping in mind the wearer’s comfort, though the level of comfort can vary from wearer to wearer. Olivafix Gold is good for use on partial as well as complete dentures and is suitable on any type of standard denture. Using such a well-formulated denture paste not only provides a perfect fit and optimum performance, it also prevents sore spots and irritation in the gum tissue.
24-hour Hold Healthy Denture Adhesive
Olivafix Gold performs best as a 24-hour hold healthy denture adhesive as it remains firmly in position throughout the day and night. What’s more is that it is safe and secure and causes no discomfort or irritation in the gums during the period. Fixing and removing the denture using the denture paste is quite easy.
Make sure you clean your dentures thoroughly first
Apply a bit of Olivafix Gold evenly on the denture (bottom surface)
Leave the denture edges free of denture paste
Carefully place your dentures in position and hold firmly
Close the denture adhesive tube firmly lest the mouth gets clogged
Re-use the denture fixative cream again after 24 hours
All-day hold denture adhesive
Olivafix Gold denture paste is formulated in such a way as to hold your dentures firmly in position all day long. That’s why it is known as all-day long denture adhesive, and during the entire day, you need not worry about your denture getting dislodged or loosened while eating or drinking. Just remember to clean your dentures before applying denture paste and after removing it to re-apply the denture fixative cream again the next day.
The main reason why denture wearers prefer denture adhesive is that it has superior retention capacity and offers better comfort when compared to clip-on dentures. The denture paste holds the dentures in position all day. Reapplication of the paste on a daily basis is not considered a cumbersome task by wearers as the comfort and convenience far outweigh the few minutes time they have to spend applying the paste. Moreover, wearers get a chance to clean the dentures and massage their gums when they use all-day hold denture adhesive. Dentists prefer to prescribe denture fixative creams as they have great functional value and the paste is easy to use.